SDCCD Policy 0001 Updated May 2000
Principles and PrioritiesThe following principles and priorities were adopted in May 2000 by the Board of Trustees, updating the Educational Master Plan for 2000-2005. COMMUNITY: The SDCCD will be a recognized leader in the educational, economic and social life of the community. Priorities are to: Strengthen interaction within the community through academic and cultural activities Develop and promote partnerships, programs, activities and services that enhance workforce preparation and economic development. Promote and provide opportunities for service learning. Establish open dialogues with community members and business leaders. Create partnerships with local elementary, secondary and other postsecondary educational institutions. GATEWAY TO LEARNING: The SDCCD will institute outreach and recruitment activities to identify and meet the needs of learners from the San Diego and global communities. Priorities are to: Attract students from backgrounds that mirror the diversity and heritages of the San Diego community. Enhance our image and visibility as a quality educational, training and learning institution. Align educational programs and services regularly to meet the changing learning needs of the communities we serve. Foster a commitment to global education opportunities for students and staff. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: The SDCCD will focus its programs and activities on creating a positive learning environment both inside and outside the classroom. Priorities are to: Provide students with the skills that enable learning. Promote a positive, embracing climate for academic achievement. Foster organizational relationships and practices to transform our colleges and centers into learning communities. Develop and maintain accessible physical environments that are functional, efficient, safe and supportive of student learning. Advance the use of technology in teaching and learning. PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: The SDCCD's programs and services will be responsive to the changing needs of students and the community. Priorities are to: Create and maintain a systematic process to assess needs and plan for change. Provide and promote current technologies and programs. Provide flexible scheduling and alternate delivery systems to meet student needs. Establish proactive methods of student outreach and support. CAMPUS CLIMATE: The SDCCD will focus on practices which foster a welcoming and accommodating campus environment. Priorities are to: Promote values which encourage student retention and success. Recognize and accommodate diverse learning styles. Engage students in the learning process and co-curricular activities. Strengthen programs that assist in overcoming obstacles to their success. Create environments that engender a sense of pride, belonging and space. Actively encourage campus dialogues. PROFESSIONALISM: The SDCCD will establish an institutional community that embraces diversity, professional growth, and campus and community involvement. Priorities are to: Encourage active participation in professional organizations. Provide opportunities for professional and career growth. Provide opportunities to learn and incorporate technology in the learning process. Enhance dialogues among programs, colleges and district offices. Foster an environment of mutual respect among students, faculty, staff and administration. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS: The SDCCD will be committed to institutional effectiveness and will be accountable for student learning and success. Priorities are to: Ensure programmatic decisions about effectiveness are based upon empirical data of student outcomes and success. Commit to a systematic process for program review. Establish and commit to a collaborative process to prioritize and plan for the development, rehabilitation and maintenance of campus facilities. Promote effective planning, enrollment management, budget development and communications through shared governance. SUPERSEDES: Policy 000l, 2/24/77
Compare with SDCCD Educational Master Plan (Previous revision, November 10, 1980)